The mind-blowing and mysterious life of an art form more than 2300 years ago
The hunt for the divine and eternal beauty

"The book can easily be enjoyed for the art alone since almost every piece included is a true masterpiece of the immortal art form that was ancient art. I do however urge the readers to return to its pages frequently and open their heart to the profound messages from the past that are so vital to our collective future."
Extract from the foreword of the book by Michael Fornitz
Written by H. B. Andersen - English First Edition
Design and Art Direction by Florencia Vogogna
Photography by Michael G. Ibsen and Andrew Daneman
Illustrations by Rama King Nash
272 Pages / 312 Photos / 6 Illustrations
"A book well worth the wait! Congratulations for a work well done"
- Basil, reader in Greece
- Basil, reader in Greece
"I have enjoyed reading the book, and found it both beautiful and interesting, despite the fact that I had never been interested in art."
- Frederik, reader in Denmark
- Frederik, reader in Denmark
"The quality of your Apollo to Apollo book is wonderful."
- Mary, reader in the U.S.
- Mary, reader in the U.S.
"I love the writing voice, in a world still hugely 'rational' this book takes the reader into transcendent beauty."
- Lara, reader in Italy
- Lara, reader in Italy